Pronounce English Accurately

The Labiodental Fricatives, /f/ and /v/

Pre-lesson exercise: /f/ vs. /v/ in initial position

Pre-lesson exercise: /f/ vs. /v/ in final position

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Making the /f/ sound involves close contact between the lower lip and the upper teeth.

This means it's a 'labio-dental' sound, 'labio-' meaning the lips and 'dental' meaning the teeth.

The lower lip and upper teeth are in contact, but the closure is not total – in fact it can't be, due to the gaps between our teeth.

The air passage is tightly restricted so it is forced out of the mouth with a lot of noise – literally noise in the acoustic sense, like white noise.

This type of sound is a fricative – the word 'fricative' comes from the 'friction' created by the narrow constriction through which the air is forced.

Is /f/ voiced or voiceless?


there's no vibration in the larynx, so it's voiceless.

It's a voiceless labio-dental fricative.

/f/ can occur anywhere in a word, in initial, medial and final position and in consonant clusters.

The letters 'f' and 'ff' are always pronounced /f/.

'ph' is usually /f/, as in 'photo', except in the name 'Stephen'. In 'Stephen' it is a /v/ sound, the same as the other spelling, 'Steven'.

Of course, if 'ph' occurs in a compound word like 'loophole', then it's /p/ plus /h/, and in 'shepherd' the 'p' is a /p/ and the 'h' is silent.

In 'haphazard', it's /p/ plus /h/.

But in most words 'ph' is pronounced /f/: 'photograph', 'aphasia', 'alpha', 'philosophy', 'physics', 'elephant', 'dolphin', 'diaphragm'.

'gh', in words from Old English, is sometimes being pronounced /f/ as in:

'enough', 'laugh', 'laughter', 'cough', 'rough', 'tough' and 'trough', 'chough', a bird, and sometimes the surname 'Bough'.

But the 'bough' of a tree rhymes with 'cow'.

Some examples of /f/ in initial position:

'fin' /fɪn/

'feed' /fiːd/

'fine' /faɪn/

'far' /fɑː/

'fact' /fækt/

'full' /fʊl/

'fool' /fuːl/

In medial position:

'afraid' /əˈfreɪd/

'office' /ˈɒfɪs/

'after' /ˈɑːftə/

'traffic' /ˈtræfɪk/

'roofer' /ˈruːfə/

'rougher' /ˈrʌfə/

'loofah' /ˈluːfə/

/f/ is voiceless so it's a fortis or 'strong' consonant – so when it occurs in final position the vowel preceding it is clipped short:

'leaf' /liːf/

'loaf' /ləʊf/

'laugh' /lɑ:f/

'stuff' /stʌf/

'golf' /gɒlf/

'wife' /waɪf/

Be sure that you are making a labio-dental sound – [f], lips and teeth in contact.


/v/ is made in exactly the same position as /f/, and in the same manner, so it's a labio-dental fricative.

The only difference is that /v/ is voiced – feel the buzzing….

or hear the buzzing….

As it's voiced, it's a lenis or weak consonant, and any preceding consonant will be lengthened, so we have important contrasts such as 'leaf' /liːf/ vs. 'leave' /liːv/.

Both words have the same target vowel, /iː/, but in 'leave' the vowel is much longer and the final consonant shorter, in 'leaf' the vowel is clipped shorter and the final /f/ much stronger and longer.

Other examples of /v/ in initial position:

'very' /ˈveri/, 'vast' /vɑːst/, 'vile, vial' /vaɪl/, 'van' /væn/.

You will see that all of these have a contrast with /f/: 'ferry, fast, file', and 'fan', so it's a very important distinction to be able to make.

/v/ in medial position:

'over' /ˈəʊvə/

'river' /ˈrɪvə/

'never' /ˈnevə/

'driver' /ˈdraɪvə/

'Dover' /ˈdəʊvə/

In final position:

'eve, Eve' /iːv/

'hive' /haɪv/

'give' /gɪv/

'dove' /dʌv/

'glove' /glʌv/

'stove' /stəʊv/

The /f – v/ contrast in final position is a particularly important one as it makes the difference between pairs of grammatically related words in which one is a noun and the other a verb.

Examples are 'half' /hɑːf/ and 'to halve' /hɑːv/, 'calf' /kɑːf/ and 'to calve' /kɑːv/, 'proof' /pruːf/ and 'to prove' /pruːv/, 'safe' /seɪf/ and 'to save' /seɪv/.

Similarly, the plural of many words ending in /f/ has /v/:

'knife, knives'

'life, lives'

'wife, wives'

'waif, waives'

'hoof, hooves'

but not 'roof' – the plural is 'roofs'.

This /f – v/ distinction can be difficult, notably for German and Dutch speakers, who don't have an equivalent of the final /v/ sound.

Some practice sentences:


Fearless Frankie fried four fish fingers for his final feast.

After the fantastic festivities, fifteen of the fellows fell off the ferry.


The valiant victors vaulted round the valley.

Vying for vital victuals, the vanquished soon vanished.

In the next lesson we'll contrast /v/ and /w/.

Post-lesson exercise: /f/ vs. /v/ in initial position

Post-lesson exercise: /f/ vs. /v/ in final position

Next Lesson: The Labiodental Fricative /v/ vs. the Bilabial Approximant /w/

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