Pronounce English Accurately

Connected Speech - Elision

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Elision is the deletion of sounds. In many words, elision of a syllable containing schwa is normal in all styles, not particularly a feature of fast or careless speech.

For example,

cam(e)ra /ˈkæm.rə/- it would be unusual to say camera, with three syllables. Camra with two is more likely. In cases like this the LPD and CEPD use a schwa in superscript to show that it is optional. In the case of 'camera', both recommend the two-syllable version.

int(e)rest /ˈɪn.tə.rest/

lib(a)ry /ˈlaɪ.bri/

diff(e)rent /ˈdɪf.rənt/

And in British English words ending in -ary like 'secretary':

vet(e)rin(a)ry --> 'vetinry' /ˈvet.ən.ri/

secret(a)ry  'secretry' /ˈsek.rə.tri/

In US English these are pronounced /eri/:

vet(e)rin(a)ry --> 'vetinry'

secret(a)ry  'secretry'

/t/ and /d/:

With consonants, the alveolar stops /t/ and /d/ are most prone to elsion, especially when they appear in a consonant cluster. For example,

chris(t)mas [ˈkrɪs.məs]

san(d)wich [ˈsæn.wɪtʃ]

And then the /n/ in sandwich can be assimilated to the following bilabial /w/, resulting in [ˈsæm.wɪtʃ].

The same process can occur across word boundaries, for example,

mus(t) be [mʌs bi]

the firs(t) three [ðə fɜːs θriː]

you an(d) me [juːənmi] + assimilation to 'you [m] me'.

we stopp(ed) for lunch [… stɒpfə …] + assimilation to labiodental for the /p/.


The / h / sound is also often deleted. For example: "You shouldn't (h)ave told (h)im [juː ˈʃʊd. ənt əv təʊld ɪm]

And finally, an extreme version of assimilation and elision occurs in utterances like “Wotcha' - a contraction of 'What cheer', the informal greeting recently revived by Ron Weasley and pals in Harry Potter - and 'Gotcha!' - from 'I've got you' - which can have a variety of meanings depending on the context.

Next Lesson: Connected Speech - Intrusive & Linking Sounds

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